Contact Us

Wellness and Talk Therapy in Dallas, Texas

Wellness 360
1340 Prudential Drive Dallas, TX 75235


Please call (469) 458-0106 to schedule an appointment. Our goal is to respond to your call quickly and meet your needs; In order to accomplish this, your call will be returned by the first available member of the Wellness 360 team.


When you arrive for your appointment, please take a seat in our waiting area and help yourself to some fresh coffee, tea or water as you wait for your therapist to retrieve you from the lobby to begin your appointment.

Our Therapists

Wellness 360 is a company providing space and support services to the mental health providers in this office.
Each independently licensed therapist who offices at Wellness 360 is operating as an independent contractor and is solely responsible for the services they provide and the manner in which they are performed and are not agents or employees of Wellness 360.

Dr Jaya Mathew

Practice Owner & Licensed Psychologist

Dr Tamara Cannon

Licensed Psychologist

Dr Ryan Leiker


Dr. Danielle Spears

Licensed Psychologist

Dr Sally Stabb

Licensed Psychologist, Clinical Supervisor

Dr. Chemwapuwa Blackman


Dr. Tamyra Johnson


Dr Alexis Taylor


Dr Kernisha Chaney at Wellness 360 Dallas

Dr. Kernisha Chaney


Let us know what things you’d like to talk about: