Personal Growth

Wellness and Talk Therapy in Dallas, Texas

Are there things you know you would like to improve about yourself, but you haven’t been able to find the time to focus on them?

Do you ever feel that your life could be more fulfilling? Or do you wish that your relationships or work could be more satisfying? Is it hard to figure out exactly what feels missing, but you have a nagging sense that something is amiss? Perhaps you could use a space that is just your own to explore your feelings and thoughts about how you are doing? How often have you said, “I’ll think about that tomorrow,” yet tomorrow becomes years later, or not at all?

What lights you up inside?

Everyone can benefit from taking the time to examine what is working well, and not as well, in their lives. Think of it as a little tune-up. Some of us provide “preventative maintenance” on our cars, while others take vitamins and go to the gym to prevent future health issues. Have you ever considered engaging in preventative maintenance for your own personal development? 

Personal growth can be focused on any facet of your life: social, romantic relationships, family relationships, work/career progress, or physical or financial health. This kind of growth includes improving relationships, making a change you have always wanted to make, or having a space for you to dream about what you want for your future. If you do not have the emotional space or energy to engage in self examination, you may need a bit of guidance. Some people find the idea of exploring hidden or secret wants and insecurities overwhelming. If so, personal growth counseling might be helpful for you.

Get to know yourself

How well do you know yourself? Many have not had the opportunity to pause and become connected to our true wants and needs. You may be rushing through your life, running to achieve the next big “thing” that is expected of you. This might be finishing school, getting a better job, finding a good romantic partner, or having kids. Self reflection and self analysis is easy to defer…to next week, next month, next year. As time passes, it’s easy to get lost in the monotony of our lives, our schedules, and our habits.

You may wish to consider a “check-up” so to speak on your own personal development. It can be quite helpful to talk with a therapist about what’s important to you, what you value, who you are, and who you want to be. This journey of self can confirm what you already know about yourself in an empowering way, enabling you to claim your identity with more confidence. Introspection can also connect you to new possibilities and help you achieve the changes you have always wished for.

There’s always a reason to put it off, because “if it’s not broken, why fix it”?

Many people wonder, “what is the point of going to therapy if things are going well?” And, it is true, not everyone “needs” therapy. However, everyone can benefit from checking in with themselves and having the space to connect more deeply with their goals. Personal growth counseling provides an opportunity to improve your overall wellness, as well as explore some issues that have been in the back of your mind for a while. Is there anything you can think of that might enhance the quality and satisfaction of your life?

Will this mean I have to dig up stuff from the past?

Not necessarily. Although a therapist will obtain some information about your personal background (family, schooling, career, etc.), we don’t believe in unnecessarily ruminating on the past if it’s not relevant to the present. That being said, at times, some earlier life experiences may be directly relevant. You and your therapist will work together to determine what will be most helpful for you.

It just seems kind of selfish to spend so much time and money on myself if nothing is “wrong.”

Our culture is not always supportive of healthy self-care endeavors. Constant marketing through commercials, social media and billboards promises us “quick fixes”  through products we don’t need, can’t afford, and are unhealthy for our bodies. However, personal growth counseling can actually help you make lasting changes. Working with a therapist to examine your life, values, and dreams, can connect you to greater life satisfaction. 

Despite the messages about focusing on others rather than yourself, personal growth is worthwhile and you deserve its benefits. Just think, if you can become more in sync with yourself, how much more connected might you become with your family, friends, vocation and other facets of your life?

Are you ready to connect more deeply with your goals?

Our therapists have successfully helped clients to set and realize their goals. We want you to be able to lead a more fullfilling and joyous life, improving your overall wellness and discovering new possibilities.

If you are considering counseling for your own personal growth, feel free to call us. We are happy to answer any questions you might have and to schedule an appointment with you if you are interested.