Previous Workshops & Speaking Engagements

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DEI Workshops
- Mathew, J. (2021, March). Implicit Bias in Pedagogy: Teachers’ Diversity Dialogues for annual Diversity Equity Inclusion Faculty
- Training at The Lamplighter School, Dallas, Texas
- Training at The Lamplighter School, Dallas, Texas
- Mathew, J. (2020, November). Multicultural Humility: Increasing Clinical Efficacy for Great Life Counseling Center, Addison, Texas
- Mathew, J. (2018, October). Cultural Humility in Clinicians: the Single Story for Great Life Counseling Center, Addison, Texas
- Mathew, J. & Thomas, P. (2021, January), Anti- Black Racial Issues, Training for Mental Health Professionals: What Now, What Happens Next for Collin County Psychological Association 8th Annual Diversity Workshop, Plano, Texas
- Mathew, J. (2017, May). Diversity Issues in this Sociopolitical Climate Training for Mental Health Professionals for Collin County Psychological Association 4th Annual Ethics Workshop, Plano, Texas
- Mathew, J. (2016, November). Addressing Diversity Ethically in Supervision Training for Mental Health Professionals for Collin County Psychological Association 3rd Annual Ethics Workshop, Plano, Texas
- Mathew, J. (2015, September). LGBTQ Increasing Awareness and Understanding Training for Mental Health Professionals for Collin County Psychological Association 2nd Annual Diversity Workshop, Plano, Texas
DEI Publications

Jackson, M.A., Mathew, J. (2016). Multicultural self-awareness challenges for trainers: Examining intersecting identities of power and oppression. In J.M. Casas, L.A. Suzuki, C.A. Alexander, & M.A. Jackson (Eds.), Handbook of Multicultural Counseling, (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Leguelinel-Sanchez, C., Mathew, J., & Ponterotto, J. (2008). The complexity of cross-cultural adjustment for professional Immigrant families: The case of the Kumar family. In Arthur, N., & Pedersen, P. (Eds.). Critical Incidents in Counseling for International Transitions. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.

DEI Trainings provided for:
DEI Trainings for University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, Texas
UT Southwestern
- Mathew, J. (2020, September). Exploring Our Own Implicit Bias: A Primer for Multicultural Supervision for UT Southwestern Clinical Ph.D. Faculty and Community Supervisors, Dallas, Texas
- Mathew, J. (2020, March). Addressing Diversity Issues in Clinical Supervision? for UT Southwestern Clinical Ph.D. Faculty and Student Didactics, Dallas, Texas
- Mathew, J. (2017, January). Couples Therapy, Where to Start? for UT Southwestern Clinical PhD Faculty and Student Didactical Training, Dallas. Texas
DEI Trainings for University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin
Clinical Associate Professor, Interim Director of the Counseling Psychology Training Clinic 08/13-08/14: Clinical Instructor 01/13-08/13; Lecturer, 08/12-12/12

- Taught graduate level course in Couples and Family Therapy for the counseling psychology department
- Taught graduate level course in Theory and Practice of Career Intervention for the counseling psychology department
- Facilitated diversity training for emerging clinicians
- Taught graduate level course in Psychopathology for the school of social work
- Facilitated diversity training for emerging clinicians
- Taught graduate level course in Treating Severe and Persistent Mental Illness for the school of social work
- Facilitated diversity training for emerging clinicians
DEI Trainings for Texas Woman’s University, Counseling Center Denton, Texas
Staff Psychologist, Diversity Coordinator (APA accredited) 01/11-02-12

- Taught graduate level clinical practicum course
Diversity Coordinator, 01/11-02-12
- Coordinated a campus wide anti-oppression workshop each semester (Diversity Institute)
- Created a support group for undocumented students (Circle of Support)
- Coordinated a campus wide LGBTQ awareness workshop each semester (ALLY training)
DEI Trainings for Fordham University, Lincoln Center, New York, New York

- Mathew, J. (2008, March). Multicultural Competence, Is it Important? Training for Fordham University’s graduate Multicultural Counseling Practicum Course, New York, New York
- Adjunct, 08/08-12/08 Taught graduate level course in Couple’s and Family Therapy
- Adjunct, 06/07-08/07- Taught graduate level course in Human Development course focused on multicultural competence training
DEI Trainings for Adelphi University, Long Island, New York
Adjunct, 08/07-12/07

- Co-taught graduate level Human Development course
- Collaboratively designed curriculum and syllabus
- Provided a strong emphasis on developing students’ multicultural competence
DEI Trainings for City University New York, New York, New York
Adjunct, 01/07-05/07

- Taught graduate level Adolescent Learning and Development course; for in-service teachers
- Created curriculum emphasizing students’ professional development and diversity training